9 Alternatives To Xanax: Natural & Prescription

A practitioner uses thin, sharp needles in the upper layers of the skin. These specific spots release natural painkilling chemicals in the brain and reduce anxiety. There are several over-the-counter (OTC) options that can help alleviate anxiety symptoms. Supplements and herbal remedies can be appealing to those seeking fast relief without the need for a prescription.

  • But beyond its aromatic allure, lemon balm has a longstanding reputation in herbal medicine.
  • Root extracts from this herb contain kavalactones, which act within the limbic system to modulate GABA production.
  • So, the fact that ashwagandha can do this naturally is potentially beneficial for anxiety sufferers.
  • Theanine is an amino acid predominantly found in tea leaves (especially green tea).
  • Check out our blog posts and resource links for the latest information on substance abuse.
  • By Xanax alternatives, we are not suggesting we help you find a “better” drug.
  • It is primarily used to treat depression but is also prescribed off-label to help with sleep because of its sedating effects lowering your heart rate.

Watch the video below to learn about effective alternatives to benzodiazepine drugs. Incorporating these natural Xanax alternatives into your lifestyle can offer a holistic approach to managing anxiety. However, it’s important to natural xanax alternative remember that what works for one person may not work for another. It may take some experimentation to find the right combination of activities and practices that suit your needs. Similarly, journaling offers a safe space to express your thoughts and feelings, serving as a therapeutic tool to explore emotions, reflect on experiences, and track progress over time. Both activities encourage mindfulness and can significantly reduce anxiety levels when practiced regularly.

Alternatives To Xanax: Natural & Prescription

In addition, vitamin B12 and folate are needed for the expression of GABA receptors within the central nervous system. Deficiencies in these B vitamins can impair GABA-mediated neurotransmission, which can contribute to anxiety and other mood disorders. Vitamin B6 plays a crucial role in the production of GABA, which may explain why individuals with B vitamin deficiencies are at increased risk of anxiety, panic attacks, and insomnia. This increased resilience can help alleviate anxiety-related symptoms such as irritability, sleep issues, and difficulty concentrating. Our goal at Talkspace is to provide the most up-to-date, valuable, and objective information on mental health-related topics in order to help readers make informed decisions. Loved for its soothing, pleasant scent, lavender is commonly used in essential oils for anxiety, sachets, diffusers, and candles.

What are the best alternatives to benzodiazepines?

One therapy modality that has been shown to be especially effective in treating anxiety disorders is cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT. CBT works by helping you identify, understand, and stop negative thought cycles. If you’re interested in CBT and medication management, you can take Talkiatry’s online assessment to get matched with one of our doctors. We’re a national psychiatry practice that provides virtual in-network are. Xanax is a common brand name for alprazolam, a medication prescribed to help treat panic and anxiety disorders. Lastly, remember that every person is unique and may respond differently to alternative treatments.

Is Ashwagandha Good for Anxiety & Depression?

Every year, doctors in the U.S. write millions of prescriptions for the powerful sedative Xanax or its generic equivalent, alprazolam. That’s true because this medication is quite beneficial for the relief of serious anxiety. However, Xanax use comes with some significant drawbacks, including risks for dependence and full-blow addiction. Are there safer alternatives that can help you avoid the need for Xanax addiction treatment?

  • Here is a rundown of some of the top natural treatments that are frequently used for fear.
  • Similar to Passion flower, Valerian root affects GABA levels in the brain.
  • Sign up for Jordan’s newsletter and join the 50,000 readers who are using his practical solutions to improve their brain function and mental health.
  • B vitamins are a group of water-soluble vitamins that are essential for optimal health.
  • It helps calm down the activity of neurons, which can prevent feelings of anxiety.

These alternatives include prescribed medications, OTC options, natural remedies, and therapy. You may consider taking alternatives to Xanax if the drug’s side effects affect your quality of life. Alternatives to Xanax include various medications, natural remedies, and therapy. The modern world has no corner on the market when it comes to day-to-day stress and anxiety.

Get Physical Exercise

Xanax works by binding to specific receptors in the brain that are sensitive to GABA and enhancing GABA’s effect on them. In other words, it boosts the power of that brake pedal, making it even more effective at calming down the activity of neurons. As a result, Xanax helps reduce feelings of anxiety, panic, or tension. The addiction treatment experts at Spring Hill Recovery Center in Ashby, MA can help.

Xanax can help people with anxiety disorders and panic attacks, but it isn’t right for everyone. Due to Xanax’s addictive qualities, many people seek Xanax alternatives instead. A review of 38 studies found that taking psychobiotics can effectively reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other mental disorders. Clinical trials of lemon balm extract have shown this herb can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression by as much as 30% 22. There is also limited data suggesting lemon balm promotes healthy sleep-wake cycles and may combat anxiety-related insomnia 23.

Mechanistically, caffeic acid is a potent antioxidant that fights inflammation and may protect against cancer 25. Moreover, caffeic acids in lemon balm appear to inhibit an enzyme called GABA transaminase, which is responsible for metabolizing GABA to succinate semialdehyde. Major nootropic constituents of lemon balm are caffeic acid and caffeic acid derivatives, notably rosmarinic acid and ursolic acid 24. Despite having a similar name as the stimulant alkaloid caffeine, caffeic acids are unrelated to the former in their structure and mechanisms of action. Valerenic acid and its derivatives are structurally similar to the GABA molecule and bind to subtype-A GABA receptors 16.

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Alprazolam has a half-life of 11.2 hours with side effects including dizziness, Akathisia, drowsiness, lightheadedness, and others. On the other hand, when comparing Xanax vs. Ativan, the half-life of Alprazolam is slightly shorter than that of Ativan, i.e., 12 hours. St. John’s wort may also counter the effects of medications such as oral contraceptives and antidepressants, and should also be avoided by pregnant and nursing women. Yoga works by improving your awareness of the inner self through conscious breathing. Yoga might also modify the response of the brain to stressful situations by lowering cortisol levels and regulating heart rate and blood pressure.

Their most common effects include feelings of dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue, unsteadiness, and confusion. They go to work fast with users experiencing relief within 30 to 60 minutes of taking them and their effects can last for anywhere from 11 to 20 hours. Others believe that benzodiazepines increase GABA receptor sensitivity. Consequently, millions of prescriptions are doled out for anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) meds like Ativan and Xanax. While Kava may be quite effective, it is NOT recommended due to the possibility of side effects. AddictionResource aims to present the most accurate, trustworthy, and up-to-date medical content to our readers.